Michele Frazier
Michele Frazier, educational consultant and life coach for children, has been in the educational service for well over 20 years with experience in relationships and mentorship allowing her to succeed in her newly founded mentorship program. Ms. Frazier started the educational mentorship program with the end goal of lifting up the lives and school performance of children who are enrolled. For the last decade, Ms. Frazier has spent the majority of her time catering to the academic needs of her students while working on ways to expand her mentorship program to other areas of the country due to her educational and mentor service becoming rapidly popular and widely in demand.
What is your hobby?
My hobby is what you wouldn’t expect from an educational coach. I enjoy making matchstick houses.
How did you get started with this hobby? What inspired you?
I remember seeing a matchstick house as a young girl. It was one my grandpa had made just for me. I took to it many years later.
Tell us what you love about it.
Building these little houses made of match sticks is comforting. It’s as if my grandpa is with me helping me build them.
Are there any groups you’re a part of or events that you attend related to your hobby?
If there are groups for this time consuming hobby, I have never heard of them.
Have you had to invest in equipment and if so, please share some of the things you’ve bought.
When I run out of sticks I absolutely must have more!
Where do you buy most of your supplies?
Thankfully I can find what I need just about anywhere. Even a local dollar store.
Are there any good books for beginners?
I never found any beginner books, but then again I never looked for any either..
How has this changed your life?
It brings me peace and helps my creativity flourish. When I am being creative, I am happy.
What advice do you have for others starting out with this hobby?
If you are easily angered and have no patience, this isn’t an activity for you.
Are there any other hobbies you have?
Other than collecting phone numbers for clients, this is all I do!