Peter Jacoves – CEO of Nationwide Debt Reduction Services
Peter Jacoves is a prominent strategic entrepreneur whose accomplishments span several distinct areas of commerce, including everything from the financial sector to the marketing and restaurant industries. An insightful entrepreneur and accomplished business leader, Peter’s governance as the CEO of Nationwide Debt Reduction Services has been instrumental in the company’s rapid growth within an increasingly competitive industry, particularly as it relates to the front-to-back-end solution utilized by the company in service of consumers seeking assistance with debt-related issues. Over the course of his lengthy and accomplished career as a strategic entrepreneur and executive at Nationwide Debt Reduction Services, Peter developed a passion for the game of golf, although he readily admits he is unable to play as often as he’d like.
What is your hobby?
I enjoy mentoring our youth.
As a successful business owner and entrepreneur, I believe it is my duty to encourage our youth. The majority of people I meet and coach have a real fear of failure. I try to convert that into the fear of not even trying versus that sense of fear.
How did you get started with this hobby? What inspired you?
During her senior year in high school, my niece was taking a business course. She asked if she could interview me. The excitement in her eyes as I told her my path to success was the inspiration for me to share my knowledge with kids.
My success was not a product of luck but rather willingness and determination to succeed. Offering debt relief services to our community has been and will continue to be a pleasure.
Tell us what you love about it.
I equate talking to young adults about business as watching college football players compared to pros. The collegiate player is motivated and excited to win and compete to become the best. I believe that fire wanes once the game becomes about the dollar. The promise and excitement in the eyes of these students I mentor is what will make them successful. It is the drive to succeed that created winners.
Are there any groups you’re a part of or events that you attend related to your hobby?
Yes. I attend networking groups that invite entrepreneurs as guest speakers. I have also been asked to speak in classes of students whose career path includes business and corporate management.
Have you had to invest in equipment and if so, please share some of the things you’ve bought.
I do not use any props or tools but rather share my experience and knowledge. I do pass out a copy of my business bio to establish credibility.
Where do you buy most of your supplies?
Again, I really do not need or use supplies.
Are there any good books for beginners?
Yes. My favorite books are those written by Richard Branson. The book I most frequently recommend is his book “Like a Virgin-Secrets They Won’t Teach You in Business School.” Mr. Branson is a self-made billionaire who has clear-cut and realistic guidelines to business. I have always adhered to his number one rule: “If you don’t enjoy it, don’t do it!
How has this changed your life?
Each time I am in front of wide-eyed eager business students, I get reminded of the fire I had when I was young. Their excitement motivates me to get back to the basics of what has always worked for me.
What advice do you have for others starting out with this hobby?
Remember that the young have not yet been knocked down by rejection or disappointment. It is my job to encourage them to try and try again despite the obstacles they will face.
Are there any other hobbies you have?
I have a workshop where I work on a lot of different projects, including everything from simple woodworking projects to complex metallurgy; basically anything that stimulates my creative side in some way or another.