Rachel Kugel – Founder, The Kugel Law Firm
Rachel Kugel is a lawyer, entrepreneur, and mom living and working in NYC. She runs her own criminal defense law practice while raising two little girls. Originally from Las Vegas, Nevada Rachel headed back to the east coast for college and law school and settled in uptown Manhattan with her family.
What is your hobby?
Lately, my new hobby has been making videos and creating content for my websites, youtube, and media outlets that deliver information about the law that can help people when they need it most.
How did you get started with this hobby? What inspired you?
I am always looking for new ways to reach out to potential clients and people who need me as well as to comment on the legal stories in the news that people care about and that effect the lives of my clients.
Tell us what you love about it.
I love being able to connect directly with people and share my knowledge I also love the opportunity to have cool life experiences that arise from assisting the media and meet really interesting people in my field as well as outside of it.
Are there any groups you’re a part of or events that you attend related to your hobby?
I am active in many associations of criminal defense and DWI lawyers as well as lots of groups of working women in general who support each other and share experiences.
Have you had to invest in equipment and if so, please share some of the things you’ve bought.
Most of the videos I do myself I shoot with an iPhone I have invested in a Diva Ring Light because everyone was loving it online.
Where do you buy most of your supplies?
Are there any good books for beginners?
Youtube Video Marketing 2 (2016): A Beginners Guide To Video Marketing Domination – How To Create Your Videos for Maximum Effectiveness
How has this changed your life?
I had to really step out of my comfort zone and put myself out there which initially caused me a tremendous amount of fear. By busting through that boundary I’ve been able to increase my business, increase my confidence, and deliver valuable information to people who need it.
What advice do you have for others starting out with this hobby?
Your biggest hurdle will be your own fear of being seen and what others will think of you, when you bust through it you will be able to do anything!
Are there any other hobbies you have?
I am very active in my community particularly in our local school where I spend a lot of time involved with raising money and running a mock trial program for the 8th graders. In terms of entertainment, I am a big Howard Stern show fan.