Adam Slatniske
Adam Slatniske was born and raised in Carroll County. He attended South Carroll High School where he was an honor student and captain of his football and lacrosse teams. At a young age, Adam was dedicated to community service, completing hundreds more service hours than he needed to graduate. Adam Slatniske then went to Washington College where he graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelors in Biology and a minor in Chemistry. Adam’s community service continued in college where he participated in a program called Neighbor Ride where he drove elderly people to their appointments and helped them run errands. Adam Slatniske also volunteered at Copper Ridge Nursing Home for dementia and Alzheimer patients. He participated in many activities for domestic violence awareness and during the blizzard in 2010, he shoveled out the Chestertown Hospital to ensure that EMS could operate safely.
Post college, Adam Slatniske attended Nova Southeastern Dental School in South Florida where even his intense course load did not stop his dedication to community service. He helped run blood drives, gave blood and platelets as much as allowed and even went on the bone marrow donor list for people with blood diseases and leukemia. Adam used his newfound skills to give pro bono dental work to the HIV/AIDS and low-income communities. As a dentist, Adam moved back to Maryland and in his practice, he was one of the only dentists in the area to put the time and care into providing treatment to the mentally and physically disabled. After joining the Parkville Dental practice, Adam’s grandfather suffered a stroke that paralyzed his right side. Adam traveled twice a week from Parkville to New Windsor to help his grandfather during the week with his home physical therapy.
Adam Slatniske is surrounded by close friends and family near his home in Maryland. As his past and present demonstrate, he is a passionate and dedicated public servant and dentist.
What is your hobby?
I find that my hobbies depend on the time of year. Living in Maryland you get all four seasons and I try to take advantage of each. In the winter I like to take on woodworking and home improvement projects to stay out of the cold and prepare for the warmer weather. When it does start to get warmer I like to get out and hike the numerous nature trails and see everything come back to life. In the summer I like to get out on the water. I really enjoy largemouth bass fishing and crabbing. Then as it starts to get cooler again it’s hunting and striped bass season along with canning and preserving things for the winter.
How did you get started with this hobby?
It’s been a way of life since I remember. Maryland gives you a little bit of everything from mountains to ocean and all four seasons, so it’s fun to take advantage of what is given. It doesn’t ever get old because everything is always changing. However, I started woodworking/home improvement a little later in life after working for a family friend’s construction business while I was in school. There is a lot of satisfaction in seeing and using things that you have made.
Tell us what you love about your hobby.
I love the cyclical nature of it. You are always looking forward to the next thing. I associate different times of the years with different places, people and things to do. It often brings back good memories of the previous years.
What types of things/equipment have you spent money on for your hobby?
I think I’m most invested in woodworking. My basement is full with different tools such as a drill press, jig saw, table saw, radial arm saw, belt sanders, air compressors and nail guns not to mention all of the smaller hand tools. Though, I have spent a lot of money on fishing trips in the past.
What are some of your favorite places to shop for your hobby?
Auctions are normally the best place to find good equipment cheap. I have to admit my father normally finds the deals on equipment, guns and fishing gear. He enjoys going to all the auctions and finding things online.
How much money have you invested into this? How much would a beginner have to invest to get started?
It’s hard to say how much money has gone into everything. I would say just start with a small project. Look at how other people have done it. YouTube is a great resource, but while doing a project you will see how you may want to do things differently. You will quickly learn what tools work well in your hands and what bigger pieces of equipment you may want to make future projects easier.
Are there any good books for beginners?
I’m sure there are many books, but I believe the best way to learn is by just doing it. I have been blessed to have some great mentors and I try to learn from them as much as possible, but you only get so much by watching and reading.
Are there any online videos you recommend to help beginners?
There are really so many videos out there. This one gives a good overview of basic tools that would give anyone a good start.
How has your hobby changed your life?
It makes me appreciate the people in my life. Most projects I do are not just for me they are meant to be shared and used by others.
What advice do you have for others starting out with this hobby?
Pick a project and go. Don’t get caught up in analysis paralysis.